import { getContext, setContext } from 'svelte';
* Values for a given column/row, returned by cellRenderer (or the default renderer).
* @typedef {object} CellValue
* @property {any} dataValue The data value for the cell.
* @property {any} [displayValue] The value to be displayed for the cell. If this is not set, value will be used instead.
export interface CellValue {
dataValue: any;
displayValue?: any;
* Returns the value for a given column/row combination.
* @callback CellRenderer
* @returns {CellValue}
export type CellRenderer = (
/** Configuration for the cell's column. */
column: ColumnConfig,
/** Data for the cell's row. */
item: any
) => Promise<CellValue>;
* Returns the a class string for a data cell.
* @callback DataCellClassFunction
* @returns {string}
export type DataCellClassFunction = (
/** Data for the cell's row. */
item: any,
/** Configuration for the cell's column. */
column: ColumnConfig,
/** Value for the data cell, after Column.cellRenderer (if any) has been called. */
value: CellValue,
/** True if the cell is focused. */
isFocused: boolean,
/** Classes as determined by grid and column properties and focus state. */
calcClass: string,
/** Default classes for a TableBodyCell component as defined by FlowBite. */
defaultClass: string,
/** tdClassAppend from DataTable. */
appendClass: string,
/** tdClassOveride from DataTable. */
overrideClass: string,
) => string;
* Returns a comparison between two values, used for sorting.
* @callback SortFunction
* @returns {number}
export type SortFunction = (
/** First value to compare. */
a: any,
/** Second value to compare. */
b: any
) => number;
* Configuration options for a grid column
* @typedef {object} ColumnConfig
* @property {string} [id] - Used to distinguish between multiple columns that have the same key.
* @property {string} [key] - Name of the property in each row item that will be used for this column's value.
* @property {string} [title] - Text to display in the column's header.
* @property {RowBoolean} [allowCellDrag] -
* @property {CellDropBoolean} [allowCellDrop] -
* @property {CellRenderer} [cellRenderer] - Dynamically determines the data value and display value for a cell.
* @property {ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent} [viewComponent] - Svelte component class to be displayed in the cell regardless of focus. If set, focusComponent will be ignored.
* @property {object} [viewComponentConfig] - Properties to be passed when creating viewComponent.
* @property {ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent} [focusComponent] - Svelte component class to be displayed in the cell when it has focus.
* @property {object} [focusComponentConfig] - Properties to be passed when creating focusComponent.
* @property {string} [tdClassAppend] - Classes to append to existing CSS when not focused.
* @property {string} [tdClassOverride] - Classes to replace existing CSS with when not focused.
* @property {string} [tdFocusedClassAppend] - Classes to append to existing CSS when focused.
* @property {string} [tdFocusedClassOverride] - Classes to replace existing CSS with when focused.
* @property {DataCellClassFunction} [tdClassGetter] - Dynamically determines CSS classes for a cell.
* @property {string} [thClassAppend] - Classes to append to existing CSS for header cells.
* @property {string} [thClassOverride] - Class to replace existing CSS for header cells.
* @property {boolean} [canFocus] - True if cells in this column can be focused.
* @property {boolean} [canSort] - If true, clicking the column's header will set sorting to sortFunction or sortKey, or reverse it if already set.
* @property {ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent} [sortAscendingIcon] - Svelte component class to be displayed in the column is sorting ascended (overrides table).
* @property {ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent} [sortDescendingIcon] - Svelte component class to be displayed in the column is sorting descended (overrides table).
* @property {SortFunction} [sortFunction] - Comparison function for complex sorting.
* @property {string} [sortKey] - Item property to sort by, if sortFunction is not defined.
export interface ColumnConfig {
allowCellDrag?: RowBoolean;
allowCellDrop?: CellDropBoolean;
canFocus?: boolean;
canSort?: boolean;
cellRenderer?: CellRenderer;
focusComponent?: ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent;
focusComponentConfig?: any;
id?: string;
key?: string;
sortAscendingIcon?: ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent;
sortDescendingIcon?: ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent;
sortFunction?: SortFunction;
sortKey?: string;
tdClassAppend?: string;
tdClassOverride?: string;
tdFocusedClassAppend?: string;
tdFocusedClassOverride?: string;
tdClassGetter?: DataCellClassFunction;
thClassAppend?: string;
thClassOverride?: string;
title?: string;
viewComponent?: ConstructorOfATypedSvelteComponent;
viewComponentConfig?: any;
* Returns the a class string for a data row.
* @callback RowClassFunction
* @returns {string}
export type RowClassFunction = (
/** Data for the cell's row. */
item: any,
/** True if a cell on this row is focused. */
isFocused: boolean,
/** Classes as termined by grid properties. */
calcClass: string,
/** Default classes for a TableBodyRow component as defined by FlowBite. */
defaultClass: string,
/** trClassAppend from DataTable. */
appendClass: string,
/** trClassOveride from DataTable. */
overrideClass: string,
) => string;
* Joins an array of classes into a string, removing any falsey values.
* @function joinClasses
* @param {...string} items - Strings of CSS classes to join.
* @returns {string}
export const joinClasses = (...classes: (string | false | null | undefined)[]): string =>
(classes || []).filter((value) => !!value).join(' ');
* Values for enterAction on DataTable.
* @enum {string} EnterAction
export type EnterAction = 'next' | 'down' | 'stay';
export type GetItemKeyFunction = (item?: any) => any;
export type GetTDClassFunction = (item: any, value: any, isFocused: boolean) => string;
export type GetTRClassFunction = (item: any, isRowFocused: boolean) => string;
export interface InternalColumnConfig extends ColumnConfig {
getTDClass: GetTDClassFunction;
type CellDropBooleanFunction = (sourceItem: any, targetItem: any, targetColumn: ColumnConfig) => boolean;
* @callback CellDropBoolean
* @returns {boolean}
export type CellDropBoolean = boolean | CellDropBooleanFunction;
type RowBooleanFunction = (item: any) => boolean
* @callback RowBoolean
* @returns {boolean}
export type RowBoolean = boolean | RowBooleanFunction;
type RowDropBooleanFunction = (sourceItem: any, targetItem: any) => boolean;
* @callback RowDropBoolean
* @returns {boolean}
export type RowDropBoolean = boolean | RowDropBooleanFunction;
export const blankCellValue: CellValue = {
dataValue: null,
displayValue: '',
export const evalCellDropBoolean = (sourceItem: any, sourceColumn: ColumnConfig | undefined, targetItem: any, cellDropBoolean?: CellDropBoolean) => {
if (typeof cellDropBoolean === 'boolean') {
return cellDropBoolean;
return cellDropBoolean && cellDropBoolean(sourceItem, sourceColumn, targetItem);
export const evalRowBoolean = (item: any, rowBoolean?: RowBoolean) => {
if (typeof rowBoolean === 'boolean') {
return rowBoolean;
return rowBoolean && rowBoolean(item);
export const evalRowDropBoolean = (sourceItem: any, targetItem: any, rowDropBoolean?: RowDropBoolean) => {
if (typeof rowDropBoolean == 'boolean') {
return rowDropBoolean;
return rowDropBoolean && rowDropBoolean(sourceItem, targetItem);
export const defaultCellRenderer: CellRenderer = async (column, item) =>
? { dataValue: item[column.key], displayValue: item[column.key] || '' }
: blankCellValue;
export const getColumnID = (column?: ColumnConfig | null) => (column ? || null : null);
interface DataTableContext {
draggedColumn?: InternalColumnConfig;
draggedItem?: any;
const dataTableContextName = 'data-grid';
export const getDataTableContext = () => getContext<DataTableContext>(dataTableContextName);
export const setDataTableContext = (context: DataTableContext) => setContext<DataTableContext>(dataTableContextName, context);